Tennis Courts
Use of these courts is restricted to Battery Park residents and their guests. Residents and guests are restricted to one court if other residents are waiting. Keys to the tennis courts are available to BCPA members. Become a member here.
The primary use of the tennis courts is for tennis, and whenever tennis players are using the court, or wish to use the court, anyone engaged in non-tennis activities shall, at the request of the players, vacate the courts. The total number of individuals engaged in non-tennis activities shall not exceed ten at any given time.
Permitted activities other than tennis are kicking of soccer balls, passing of footballs, playing catch with tennis balls, and using badminton shuttlecocks (using the existing tennis nets).
Prohibited activities include the use of baseballs, softballs and bats, the use of nets and sticks for lacrosse or hockey, the use of rollerblades, skateboards, scooters, bikes, tricycles, and any other item that might damage the court surface. Shoes must be non-marking rubber-soled types (cleated or vibram-soled shoes are not permitted). Climbing the fence surrounding the courts is strictly prohibited.
Parents will be held responsible for enforcing these rules with their children, and will be billed for repairs caused by prohibited types of play and/or equipment.
Both courts are available for play on a "first-come, first-served” basis. However, players must under all circumstances yield the court after a maximum of one hour of play if other players are waiting.
In situations when court possession is in dispute, the following rules apply:
A single practicing player must yield the court to a pair of waiting players.
A single player whose partner has not appeared within 15 minutes after the arrival of another party of players must yield the court to the assembled party.
Players are responsible for closing the court gate upon leaving. All tennis play and other activity on the courts must stop at 10:00 PM, weekdays and weekends.
Any special arrangements for reserving court time for tennis clinics, tournaments, or tennis-related parties must be approved in advance by the Tennis Committee Chairperson.
If you have any questions or concerns about the tennis courts, please use the form below.